Wednesday, May 16, 2007

An IQ test would be a start...

Okay, so I know that uttering the phrase “what happens in Mr Buford’s class stays in Mr Buford’s class” alone should be worth a lawsuit but fuck me there should be a licence or some kind of test before some people are allowed to have kids.


shiny said...

I've been in favour of having a licence to breed for some time, based on some kind of aptitude test and the financial ability to raise the child with food, education etc. I find it entertaining when people who wouldn't pass this test in my mind agree whole heartedly.

my name is kate said...

Oh god you’re talking about me, aren’t you? I told you, I only made that one kid cry just the one time…

Dave said...

...but I'm sure the little shit deserved it, right? I like the attitude of teenage mothers in lower socio-economic areas... like Kwinana. If they have a baby, they get $4000 from the government! Forget the fact that you have to care for that baby and raise it, $4000 is enough for a MASSIVE party!!!

shiny said...

No I wasn't talking about you Kate, someone else, who actually already has a child, poor kid.

I hear people talk about the baby bonus a lot but do people actually think that way? Are they sooo short sighted? Or is it just the non-breeders that accuse them of it because, well, someone's got to be to blame for the ills of society?

Dave said...

Maybe a bit of both. I haven't actually heard anyone say that they were having a baby solely for the baby bonus... That was a bit of a stretch. I apologise if i mislead anyone.

my name is kate said...

I thought it was a myth too but I heard someone say almost exactly that just a few weeks ago. But then he’s an in-and-out-of-jail 21-year-old father of three so… you know.

shiny said...

ah, that'll be the one then...

Dave said...

I am vindicated.