Dear Employer!
Why thankyou. I mean, I don't actually have any 'employees' so I'm not sure you can call me an employer but I appreciate the fact you obviously consider me a high-powered business-type-person.
We are glad to inform you of beginning staff recruitment for the position of the Financial Agent in Australia. We are looking for the best candidates meeting the demands of our clients. The number of vacancies for this position is limited, that's why the recruitment takes place on a competition basis.
Yes, but perhaps I should repeat myself: I don't actually...
We select the best employees and, probably, you are the one whom we are looking for!
Me?! I won! Are you... sure? I mean I'm flattered of course.
You should clearly conform to the requirements of our Company:
Interpersonal skills
Conversational English knowledge
You know it.
PC user.
I'm using one right now.
Responsible approach to work
Salary - from EUR 2500.
A month? A week? A day? An...hour?
Zdravstvujte! My rady soobwit' Vam, ob otkrytii nabora sotrudnikov na post Finansovogo Agenta v Australia. Nasha rol' najti, luchshih kandidatov, udovletvorjajuwih potrebnosti nashih klientov. Kolichestvo mest na dannuju dolzhnost' ogranichenno, pojetomu nabor vedetsja na konkursnoj osnove, my otbiraem luchshih sotrudnikov i vozmozhno vy tot,kogo my iwem! Vy dolzhny chetko sootvetstvovat' trebovanijam nashej
Znanie razgovornogo anglijskogo jazyka
Vladenie komp'juterom na urovne pol'zovatelja.
Otvetstvennyj podhod k rabote
Zarabotnaja plata ot 2500 evro.
Za bolee podrobnoj informaciej obrawajtes' na e-mail:
Yes, thankyou. I had it cut the other day.
Dear Kate, I thought that maybe you would like to know that the same job offer as reached Portugal on the 8 of April, with one small particularly, which is the mention that the 2500 eurs are per month. I made a brief search through the “webland” and I saw your blog and comments! Very funny, thanks for that, it helped take the weight of the guilt (inherent of been raise in a catholic country, despite of not suffering from priest trauma) of stabbing my employer in the back.
Luis, I received the same email today and did exactly the same, that's how I got here... And I've seen it on other places too. What are your conclusions? What is it about anyway?
Hi Rita, it seems to me that it's plain bullshit; pardon my French, or someone making some bizarre study. In my logic, it doesn’t make any sense, offering the same amount to such different realities as the Australian (even more in EUR) and the Portuguese. That's the best I can do :)
Yup... the same content as reached my e-mail account .. ! i agree with Luis, it's got to be crap and nonsense.
It's seems a very goog oportunity though!!! heheh :)
Hi Rita and Tema, and of course Kate :)
allow me to make a "mea culpa" "nice Rib" made itself hear while I was having lunch and made think about the motivation (thanks Rita), and it can be a way (not the very smart one, in my opinion) to get the contact of people to talk to, a thing like a pen friend or something or…that’s all I got from my rib so far…if any of you girls have a nicer rib, opinion, idea or something else please share, I would appreciate
PS: I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been a Blog kind of person , but it’s kind of nice, so worm came out of the apple, cheers
Hi...and sorry (don’t want to become to intense)...maybe it's some kind of narcissi person that puts out a mail with intended of putting people to talk about it, or, and here it comes my nice rib again, a ”Ghandi” who just wish people all over the world to star talking about "something", like a sergeant in the army who makes all the platoon to heat his guts just with the intention to make the bound (no, I’ve never been to the army, but I saw some films about it:)),
Ok, e já que somos todos portugueses, porque não falar em português ? Também recebi o referido e-Mail. Numa breve pesquisa cheguei até à empresa Quem são estes gajos afinal ?
Pessoal a Universidade do Minho anda a enviar esta proposta de trabalho! Já alguém tentou averiguar a veracidade do e-mail, enviando um e-mail com pedido de informação adicional! Eu vou fazê-lo! Colocarei novidades assim que receber alguma resposta :D
I received a similar mail as well and after some web searching I discover this:
« (...)Most of our customers prefer to arrange for their payments
in their own country, it's much faster and cheaper than international
money transfer or bank transfer(...)Your future job is to receive and
transfer payments from our clients»
Vi esta suposta oferta de emprego num centro de emprego, e comecei tal como vocês todos a investigar...e fraude mais fraude não há :)
hi everyone,i am a new bee over here and i found this blog with the intention to know if the job porposal of ´´Financial Agent in Portugal´´its a scam or it could work out if i give it a try?can anyone tell me if getting this job could mean anything bad for me?thanks very much
Received the msg in French this morning...utter BS...don't know how they manage to get our email addresses though?
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