Sunday, October 12, 2008

May contain nudity

Don't stare at it, I told myself. Just don't stare. You're 26 now. You are a mature and sensible person. There is no need to stare.

The man in the centre of the room pulled off his sarong and lay it over a chair.

We all stared at his cock. Okay, well at least I did.

Welcome to life drawing, which is actually completely awesome. Once you've not-so-surrepticiously stared at the rude bits for 5 minutes you can forget about the naked man standing five feet away and start to panic about the fact that you can't draw for shit.

Oh at least until said naked man changes his pose and suddenly you're locked in a staring battle with a strange naked man holding, um, a wooden pole. No, I mean an ACTUAL pole.

Highly recommended.


Anonymous said...

and now i know what totally hairless male genitals look like, so it was quite educational really.
i'm inspired to dig out my old charcoals and practice my chiaroschuro...

Me said...

Oh, lawdy.

my name is kate said...

My eyes - the goggles do nothing...