Thursday, October 8, 2009

27-years-old: the review so far

My year of being 27-years-old has inexplicably begun with a wealth of presents at my door. I wake up to find a truly uncharacteristic but beautiful Adidas tracksuit being laid beside me. On my door handle there swings a paper bag containing a necklace as smooth and lovely as a coastal shelf. A knock on the door heralds the arrival of a soy mocha, chocolate croissant and flowers. I have eaten more cake than you could poke a steak knife at and am practically sitting knee-deep in lovely presents by 12pm. Does this herald the dawning of a new year full of macademia-nut-festooned toffee cakes, snow domes, pony brooches and croissants for all? Too early to say but I'm onboard.

Verdict: Two thumbs up.


Lindsay said...

Happy Birthday Bintface

my name is kate said...

Thanks binty.

Dave said...

Unfortunately for you, 27 has not meant you smell any better. Happy Birthday but :)

my name is kate said...

As ever Johnsy you know just what to say...

Anonymous said...

To think that I feel old sometimes...