Thursday, March 20, 2008


I never thought I would say such a thing but The Financial Review has a really interesting article on page 62 today (the long weekend edition). It’s nothing to do with finance or anythign related to my day job, it’s about relationships and whether the idea of 'settling' is actually a really good one that will probably bring you more happiness than not. Whether it’s the three glasses of champagne I’ve had or my current mood I found it fascinating and I've been thinking about it all day. I've always had to fight the 'grass is greener' side of my personality and, like most people I know, abhore the idea of 'settling' for someone who doesn't tick most of the boxes. But, again like most people I know, I've come to realise this idea throws up a bunch of complications all on its own and generally leads to you doubting yourself and having long, dull conversations in the pub with friends who keep looking at their watches.

Anyway, read the article if you have the chance – genuinely interesting stuff that I would reprint here if I had the energy (read: if I hadn’t had those three glasses).

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