Thursday, March 27, 2008

Career schmareer

WANTED: One life coach to make all my big decisions. Ideal qualities will include the hide of a rhino, the ability to disregard my flipflopping on all matters and a cold and ruthless mind. Please start immediately.

UPDATE: Who needs a life coach anyway? I can make my own decisions, right? Er right? Right? Oh fuck have I made a big mistake? No, no. I'll settle for a big fat drink instead thankyou.


Dave said...

What's the salary?

Anonymous said...

Pick Me - Pick Me


Anonymous said...

...a swing to the right...

Anonymous said...

Hmm - seems like you've got some big decisions to make. Better give me that Air ticket then.......

my name is kate said...

The salary consists mostly of sexual favours so um, yeah, you might want a punch in the face instead.

And keep yours hands off cb - those french hotties are all mine.

Anonymous said...

donkey punch Kate??

Anonymous said...

Haven't I already got the job? Or should I accompany my advice with a nice bottle of cheap booze?

shiny said...

Do you know what's worse than asking the internet for a life coach? It's having your mother text you saying she's found one for you already and it's free. That happened to me today.