Monday, August 18, 2008

Token Smokin' Hottie: Julian Rhind-Tutt*

I am in love. Madly, madly in loved with a scruffy laybout who wears his hair in his face, dresses like he’s just got out of bed and barely opens his mouth to talk. I speak, of course, of that delightful ragamuffin Julian Rhind-Tutt.

What is there to say about exactly how pathetic it is to fancy someone just because you’ve seen them on the telly? Worse – you don’t even fancy them, you fancy a fictional character they have portrayed. It’s about as lame as harbouring a crush on Jay Gatsby. Who is, in any case, kind of a douche.

And yet somehow this past weekend I’ve given Julian RT six hours of my life by way of a shameful Green Wing binge merely for the chance to see him wearing scrubs, making moved on drink chicks and going for a bit of a naked motorbike ride. Ahem, no, and I didn’t make that last bit up either.

I could tell you I like Julian RT because of his delightfully toffee double-barelled surname. Which I DO like rather a lot. Or I might suggest it’s because he comes off so charming yet amusingly self-deprecating in interviews. Which he does. But the truth is that my crush was borne before I knew so much as his name.

The sad, sad truth is that I fancy him because he’s aesthetically pleasing (cheekbones check, come hither eyes check, a-dorable smile double check - none of which, I concede, are incredibly visible in this photo) and because he plays A Cool Character on the telly. Which, luckily, is about as much as you need, if you’re a Token Smokin’ Hottie, in my book. Which is probably why a less classy girl than myself might rename this section "dudes on TV whom I would quite like to nail should the opportunity arise and my boyfriend allowed me a freebie". Luckily I still have my breeding.

* And by the way, is it just me or would "Rhind-Tutt" be a fairly cool bit of (semi) rhyming slang for "fuck"? I'm going to make this work...


Me said...

I read that as, "Luckily I still have my bleeding."

Oh, my. I need another cup of tea.

my name is kate said...

Ew... though I would totally cut myself for JRT. *ahem*

Me said...

Oh, wow. Just wow.

You're dedicated.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a guy i went to school with, although ever so slightly less fire-minge-esque.

my name is kate said...

When I get the time machine up and running, Hayden, can we please go back in time to your school days?

Anonymous said...

maybe you would fancy him less if you knew he was doing barclaycard ads with guy from the greenwing nowadays


Dave said...

He bears a striking resemblance to a young man by the name of Andy methinks...

my name is kate said...

Aw Shippy you're breaking my heart... I would still slip him a quick one, though. (Hey, everyone's got bills to pay, right...?)

my name is kate said...

And maybe, Davo... MAYBE...