Monday, January 5, 2009

Token Smokin' Hottie: Oliver Matzelle

Just 15 years, 11 months to go and he's legal, girls.


Unknown said...

Kate, i find that comment slightly disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Me too, I mean, how do you know he's even going to be into girls???? ;-)

my name is kate said...

You make a fair point, cb: ok shippy you have my blessing to have a crack too, if that's what you're into.

Anonymous said...

what a cutie.
How can u be related? x

Anonymous said...

I would have to say that is the cutest baby I have ever seen. And I am not remotely biaised or remotely related to said child. Reckon he must take after his mum - have heard she is a hottie...

my name is kate said...

Uh huh thanks Ruth. I'll pop a brestfeeding one up next time.