Tuesday, December 15, 2009

No, no, no, no, no. I am sticking my head in the sand...

... and refusing to believe any evidence that the upcoming Sherlock Holmes movie may blow. I mean, can a movie that looks like it satisfies so many of my secret fantasies (Robert Downey Junior in shirtless bare knuckle boxing, Sherlock Holmes!, Robert Downey Junior in shirtless bare knuckle boxing, opium!, Robert Downey Junior in shirtless bare knuckle boxing) REALLY be shit? Computer says no.


Rebecca said...

But Kate, how can you ignore all the Guy Ritchie stinkiness?

I concede all Robert Downey Jnr related points but Ritchie? Bah!

my name is kate said...

Nyanahahaha I can't heeeear you....