Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The 2 most disturbing things about having an IT dude remotely access my PC yesterday:

1. The bit where I realised I'd stored a bunch of photos on my desktop with incriminating names like "ho-yay", "crumpet" and "office romance".
2. Pretending not to hear the moaning (in-pain moaning, not the other kind) that went on for about 30-40 seconds wherever the hell he was.


Me said...

Is this AFTER you kicked him the nads? LAwdy, you're a rough one.

Anonymous said...

reminds me of the time while we where looking after the WA Ballet IT (no surprise really come to think of it) where I took control of one guys screen to assist only to see him browsing the gay cruising sites...disturbing to say the least.

Bolton said...

You were lucky you could understand him. Last time I called them the person who answered and I did not share a common language.

Anonymous said...

....have you tried turning it off and on????