Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Blueblood TV

Quick: imagine what vampire porn looks like. Now try to imagine that porn set to a slightly cheesy string quartet and acted out entirely on a flat-bed truck being driven repeatedly around a cemetery. Oh and written and directed by the man who created this show. The result? True Blood - either the most guilty pleasure since that episode of Gossip Girl where Chuck tooootally nailed Blair to that Virgins song or just a really fucked up dream I had one night after eating that jar of Nutella.

In short: the entire reason TV exists.


Me said...

You ate a WHOLE jar of Nutella?

Oh, my.

my name is kate said...

I was..it was... um... I'm fairly sure that spoon was in the jar when I got there...

Dave said...

Seen the first few episodes and loved it. Didn't think it was as much of a guilty pleasure, as, say, The OC or the new 90210, but I still enjoyed it :)

my name is kate said...

Johnsy I'm stoked you like it. Andy cringes at some of the dialogue, the cello going nuts and the excessive brooding but this, I explain, is why it's awesome...