Monday, July 20, 2009

What a sight this would be to wake up to...

... because it's James Franco I wouldn't even complain about the moustache.

UPDATE: Is this Franco's head photoshopped onto someone else's body? I don't know, I hope not. Do I care? Ummmm only a very little bit.


CB One said...

Is it just me, or does that head look photoshopped onto that body???????

my name is kate said...

Is it just me or is somebody jealous?

But actually I have no idea. I hope not. Don't take this away from me, Douglas!

CB One said...

hey, don't panic - it might just be the angles. It looks weird to me though

Lindsay said...

that is the only thing that could possibly make my holiday better.

my name is kate said...

McPheeeee you're online(!)