Monday, October 15, 2012

Lesson for the day

When someone starts a conversation by saying "I'm not one to say something behind someone's back so I wanted to say this to you directly..." you are not going to want to hear what they have to say.

Also: fuck you, I would really rather you bitch about me behind my back than list my faults to my face actually, you smug shit. It would have saved me a good ten minutes of weeping-in-the-toilets time plus another five minutes trying to hide that fact using only a dodgy tube of concealer I found in the bottom of my satchel. And I look gross when I cry.


Rebecca said...

Oh boo. Some people have no class.

my name is kate said...

You are not wrong.

Kendimen.C said...

You really don't like the frontality?!?!
Of coursit depends of the context that happened but I would never prefer to have things said on my back :P