Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The ghost of blogs past

Dead baby blog carcasses clutter up the files of my computer. And Jesus there are a lot of them. They are the blogs I started writing but tired of, the ones I just couldn’t make work and, worst of all, the truly dire rants that you – dear reader – were fortuantely spared by virtue of the fact I took another moment to read it and thought ‘hmm this might actually be complete bollocks…’.

Anyway, for shits and giggles I’ve dragged a few of these sad little dead bodies together and strung them into this blog to present to you a random snapshot of The Blogs That Never Were…

1. In which I tried to blog about business. Faaaawk me. That’s what happens when I get delusions of business competency.

2. This one starts simply “Nobody who describes themselves as ‘outrageous’, ‘witty’ or ‘unconventional’ is ever any of those things”. In fact it ends that way too – there’s nothing else. It barely even qualifies as a blog corpse - more like a finger that turns up in a McDonald beef pattie. Where was I going with that slightly banal universal truth? Eh, who knows-slash-cares…

3. Here we have approximately 300 (eh give or take) incredibly earnest ‘gosh there’s so much hardship in the world’ kind of baby blogs that made me want to take myself behind the bike sheds for a beating.

4. A blog about blogs. Billed as a scathing expose of a handful of really shit proper, fancy blogs around it was actually just a vehicle for me to rag on a certain blog written by a certain woman, mostly with the intention of allowing me to make a very stupid play on words and take the piss out of her Sex & the City lifestyle. Hmm, can’t think why it didn’t work out.


Anonymous said...

So where do good blogs go when they die? And how do we make sure we don't lose years of work if blogger implodes or computers take over the world?

my name is kate said...

Good blogs spend the afterlife hanging out with the girls, of course. Lucky bastards.

As for the other - doesn't bear thinking about, though I'm not sure it would be a loss to the collective works of mankind in this case...