Friday, November 24, 2006

Token Smokin' Hottie: Wentworth Miller

This one is for Ali. And I have a feeling she prefers the one she sent me where he's in a hoodie and, in addition to looking uber hot, looks considerably more, er, straight. But, you know, you can't beat his duds in this one: he could not only help you escape from prison and ravish you (possibly while escaping from prison? I don't know, does he look like a multi-tasker?) he could take you out for a night on the town afterwards before coming home to meet your parents. Hands off, Mum.


Bolton said...

I'm getting a little moist in the pants Kate. What a great way to start the day. LOL

my name is kate said...

Our team's claiming him, Dan - however much he might look like Hot Gay Man in this pic...

Bolton said...

oh yes i think he belongs to you guys. but that's okay. they're often hotter if they're straighter.

and they all convert after six beers anyway.

my name is kate said...

Aw man I'm going to miss you Daniel san