...Perth is much, much smaller than you think.
I must learn to think before I blog. As Andy reminded me today this is a public forum where, potentially, anyone can read my posts.Because I think of myself as blogging for the people who I know who read this, as well as for my own enjoyment, I've got into the foolish mindsight that this is my little domain and I can control who reads it and what they think about it. This is very wrong.
For a start, the young whippernapper Tom O'Mahoney I raved about in yesterday's post? Is a family friend. We caught the bus together as kids. Random yes and now I feel dirty - I knew him when he was still in short pants.
Secondly, I've removed a certain post from a few days ago about a certain incident and the night of the UBD. Basically I fear the persn involved will read what I wrote and be hurt by it. I have no intention of censoring myself in the future or re-writing blog history but I also have no intention of hurting this particular person, who I love to death.
Thirdly, dear reader(s) a future warning not to take offence at anything I may write here. Being a writer by personality and profession I too often write before I think but I never mean to offend and every so often something that seems very benign or funny in my head might look very different on a computer screen. I'm full of shit is what I mean.
Anyway, lesson learned. In Perth it is more like two degrees of seperation and you should always assume every person you've ever known could be reading this over your shoulder.
Ok, I can comment as "anonymous". Phew. I understand, grasshopper. It's easy to forget that other people read your blog. It's easy to laugh at others' expense. Sometimes it is deserved and they shouldn't be reading. Other times you need to exercise caution. But the reason we love these is because they are true. And we get to know more about the person writing them than we ought. To quote Apocalpse Now, we are like the snail crawling on the razor blade. With great power comes great responsibility. We just do what we can. the world is richer for it, generally.
Sorry, it's Lindsay btw. mwah.
Hey - you're up late too. We both commented on glass wall's post just now. Go to bed. We have a very important day tomorrow. You're hanging the paper.
absolutely true and I often have the same nightmare thoughts that people will read what I've written, take offence and never speak to me again.
Lindsay - 2am? On a school night? tut tut :)
Heed my lesson. It can and will lead to trouble.
I usually just talk about me.
Boring for people I know, but hey, I'm letting you read my diary... you can't expect fucking revelations! LOL
Yeah I hope (and assume) that the people who read this know who I am and don't take it personally but you never can tell. Whenever I blog about a Perthonality I get the fear that he/she will google themselves and come up with this page...
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