Rest in peace my little blog entry... Sadly this post has been deleted in what I hope is the first and last case of self-censorship. Sometimes it is not worth hurting someone in order to tell a good story or make a joke. I will still do the rounds with this one at parties but not in print where it will come back to bite me.
That's atrocious, but having spent most of my adult years in and around the Western Suburbs, not entirely unbelievable. Your friend should watch the movie Crash.
But was she worried because he was black or just because he was milling around in her front garden? The latter is more understandable. And I tend to think of all WS women as flighty in that way: "Oh my God there is someone within the perimeter... shoot, shoot!".
Sadly I think it was a little from column a and a little from column b. She's a lovely person but um very WS. I have been dining out on this story at her expense ever since she first told me about it, which probably makes me just as guilty as her.
It's infinitely worse than telling a tradesman you're in the middle of hosting a baby shower when you think he's just there to steal stuff though....
That's what I keep telling myself.
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