Monday, June 25, 2007

Something's afoot here.

Jesus, this story makes me simultaneously shiver and feel somewhat relieved that I am sufficiently wussy that Bounty's Revenge is about as wild as I get...


Dave said...

I've been on that ride at Dreamworld. Twice. It was awesome! Still got my feet though.

my name is kate said...

The question is: would you go on it a third time?

Dave said...

Yep - it takes you up quite high and the view from up there is nothing short of majestic. You can see as far as the mountain ranges and then when you drop it's like multiplying that 'whooshing' feeling in your stomach when you drive over a dip in the road by a million. Awesome :)

my name is kate said...

You’re a sick man, Johnsy. I can see the appeal of the adrenalin rush but I’m very attached to my feet, too.