Monday, August 27, 2007

This one's pretty much just for the chicks...

... though the photo is for everyone.

I don't usually use this blog to shameless spruik things but I feel obliged to share the beauty that is Elle McPherson's underwear range with any plump-breasted femme out there who has ever had a sinking heart at the prospect of going bra shopping. I loathe underwear shopping because it's dull and frustrating but McPherson's range kicks arse and, unlike many, many ranges of cute non-hideous underwear doesn't comprise entirely of uber flimsy straps ideal for supporting the boobs of a 12-year-old but nobody else. There's really no point to this post other than to share the love and point you in the direction of the McPherson collection, which isn't cheap but is well worth the cost.

Alright, now I just sit back and wait for the cheque to arrive.


Dave said...

um, sorry, did you say something? Can't - see - past - picture...

my name is kate said...

Go for the AA cup Johnsy.

Dave said...

there's an AA cup?? how sad...

my name is kate said...

poor bastards. Bet they can go for a run any time they feel like it though...